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研究员 博士生导师






2015.3至今     研究员,北京大学药学院

2010.6-2015.2   博士后及Research Associate,美国德克萨斯大学西南医学中心

2008.8-2010.5   博士后中科院生物物理研究所

2005.9-2008.7   理学博士北京大学药剂学系

2002.9-2005.7   理学硕士沈阳药科大学药剂学系

1998.9-2002.7   理学学士山东大学药学院






(1)    智能靶向纳米药物递送系统的研究

(2)    基于纳米技术的肿瘤诊疗研究

(3)    纳米给药系统体内转运的分子机理研究



2017 中国药学会-赛诺菲青年生物药物奖

2016 国家“优秀青年科学基金”获得者

2015 国家“青年千人计划”入选者

2015 中国药学会青年药剂学奖

2015 中国药物制剂大会青年药剂学奖

2014 北京大学优秀青年人才“百人计划”入选者



1.  Wang Y, Zhou K, Huang G, Hensley C, Huang X, Ma X, Zhao T, Sumer BD, DeBerardinis RJ, Gao J*. A nanoparticle-based strategy for the imaging of a broad range of tumours by nonlinear amplification of microenvironment signals. Nature Materials . 2014, 13, 204-212.

This paper was highlighted by Nature/Science-Business eXchange (Cover Story, SciBX , 7(1); doi:10.1038/scibx.2014.1), Nature Materials , Nano Today , and other media such as Materials Research Society and Chemistry World from Royal Society of Chemistry.

2. Wang Y*, Wang C, Li Y, Huang G, Zhao T, Ma X, Wang Z, White MA, Sumer BD, Gao J*. Digitization of Endocytic pH by Hybrid Ultra-pH Sensitive Nanoprobes at Single Organelle Resolution. Advanced Materials . 2017, 29, 1603794. (*Corresponding author)

3. Ma X#, Wang Y# (equal contribution), Zhao T, Su LC, Li Y, Huang G, Sumer BD, Gao J*. Ultra-pH Sensitive Nanoprobe Library with Broad pH Tunability and Fluorescence Emissions. Journal of American Chemcial Society .2014, 136, 11085-11092.

This paper was featured in ACS Editor’s Choice , Chemical & Engineering News , and JACS Spotlights .

4. Zhou K#, Wang Y# (equal contribution), Huang X?, Luby-Phelps KK, Sumer BD, Gao J*. Tunable, Ultra-Sensitive pH Responsive Nanoparticles Targeting Specific Endocytic Organelles in Living Cells. Angewandte Chemie International Edition .2011, 50, 6109-6114.

5. Wang Y#, Yang T#, Wang X, Dai W, Wang JC, Zhang X, Li Z and Zhang Q*. Materializing sequential killing of tumor vasculature and tumor cells via targeted polymeric micelle system. Journal of Controlled Release . 2011, 149, 299-306.

6. Wang C, Wang Y, Li Y, Bodemann B, Zhao T, Ma X, Huang G, Hu Z, DeBerardinis RJ, White MA*, Gao J*. A nanobuffer reporter library for fine-scale imaging and perturbation of endocytic organelles. Nature Communications . 2015, 6, 8524.

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